What is the hotspot borrower agreement?
What is the hotspot borrower agreement?
Customers must agree to the borrower agreement below upon their first hotspot checkout:
MY Link Account
I understand that the device (s) can only be checked out with an active adult MY Link library card in good standing.
Return Policy
I understand that the device (s) must be returned to the Service Desk at any HPL location (or another designated location; return laptops to check-out point), by the due date. It should not be returned in the book drop. I understand the Library may use any appropriate means to collect the device (s) and amounts owed to the Library due to failure to return it by the Due Date. I understand that the hotspot will be deactivated when it's 1 day overdue.
Overdue Policy
If the Mobile Hotspot is lost or not returned within 1 day after the due date, wireless service will be terminated and the Hotspot will become unusable. The due date is on the receipt given at the time of borrowing. I understand the Library may use any appropriate means to collect the Hotspot/device and amounts owed to the Library due to failure to return it by the Due Date.
Fines & Fees
I understand that fines and fees will be charged if I return the items late or if they are lost or damaged and my library card privileges will be blocked until the Mobile Hotspot/device is returned in working order and outstanding fines are less than $25 on my account. Late fee for laptops is $25 a day (maximum fine $150). Lost or damaged laptop fees are $300 (laptop cost), $30 processing fee, $10 laptop case and $10 laptop charging fee. Lost or damaged hotspot fee is $80 and $10 for hotspot cable/charger or case.
Internet Access
I understand that when accessing the Internet through the Hotspot I am accessing the Internet through the Internet Service Provider's network and not the Library’s network. Use of the hotspot is subject to the Internet Service Provider's Acceptable Use Policy, Privacy Policy, and Terms of Use, all of which are available on AT&T’s website. Please read these documents before using the Hotspot. Internet access through the Hotspot is similar to Internet access at any HPL location.
Data Responsibility
I understand that the Library is not responsible for any files, data, or personal information accessed/transmitted using the Mobile Hotspot/device.
Borrower's Responsibility
The Mobile Hotspot/device remains the Library’s property at all times. The Library may request that I return the Hotspot/device at any time. I will never loan out the Hotspot/device to other individuals, avoid damaging it, know where it is at all times and will not disassemble or attempt to repair it. If it is lost, stolen, or damaged, I agree to call or visit the Library to notify. I understand that the Library may choose not to replace or repair the Hotspot/device at its sole discretion. I agree to return the Hotspot/device (device, power cable, adapter and case) to the Library in the same good working condition as it was when checked out. I will only use the Library provided charger and that I am responsible for damage to device if wrong charger is used. I understand overdue fines and fees may apply if returned late, with missing items and/or damaged.
Technical Help
I understand that I may call 1-877-352-5338 for Hotspot Assistance from Kajeet (the hotspot provider), Monday - Friday, 7am - 7pm or 281-387-7998 for technical help from an HPL staff member, Monday - Friday, 9 AM - 5 PM.