HPL is Fine Free! What Does That Mean?

HPL is Fine Free!  What Does That Mean?


On January 11, 2023, Houston City Council voted to update an ordinance eliminating late fines for Houston Public Library (HPL) materials returned or renewed past their due date. Late fines create a financial barrier for many people in accessing library materials and have been found to be an ineffective way of encouraging returns. Overdue fines had already been eliminated for children’s materials for students at Houston ISD, Alief ISD, and Pasadena ISD with the Learning Link initiative. Many public libraries in Texas and across the country are already fine free.


Fine-free details
HPL does not charge fines for returning or renewing library materials past their due dates. Interlibrary Loan (ILL) fines and fees still apply because they belong to other library systems.


Impact of the fine-free policy on returns and book availability
Studies of libraries in other communities that have eliminated late fees have found that ending late fees results in a higher rate of books being returned, as people are less likely to avoid the library if they are not concerned about having to pay money. That means more books in circulation for HPL customers.


What is the difference between fines and fees?
Fines are associated with overdue materials returned past their borrowed due date. Now that HPL is fine free, fines will no longer be incurred.

Fees are associated with lost or damaged materials. Items are considered lost 30 days after the due date, and customers will still be responsible for any lost fees.  If items are returned undamaged, there will be no fines and the lost charge will be removed.


Will HPL charge processing fees?
Processing fees will still be charged for lost or damaged books.  If the item is returned, then the processing fee would be waived.


I have fees on my account; can I use my library card?
Cards with unpaid fees totaling $25 or less can be used to borrow materials. Customers may log on to public computers regardless of the fees on their account.


When and how does a customer receive communication about overdue items?
Courtesy item notification emails are sent 3 days before the due date and after an item becomes overdue at both 3 and 14 days. The item is billed at 30 days overdue. Cardholders can edit their contact information by logging in to their account online to ensure proper delivery of notifications.


Can I work out a payment plan for my current fees?

Please contact Ask HPL at 832-393-1313 to discuss options.


If I am unable to use my card, can I still use the library to read books or use the computers?
Anyone can use public computers and Wi-Fi, read books, do research, attend Library events, and use most of our online databases in-house without a library card.


Will the revenue of the city be affected by the removal of fines?
The amount of revenue from fines is less than 1% of the Library’s budget.


  • Last Updated Apr 08, 2024
  • Views 13773
  • Answered By Thuy Vo

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