What is Teen Advisory Club?

What is Teen Advisory Club?


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Teen Advisory Club (TAC) is a group of teens who are eager to cultivate and improve library services for teens downtown. TAC members meet monthly on Saturday to share ideas, plan events and programs, and make suggestions for how to make HPL a more teen-friendly space.

TAC members receive priority when registering for teen events, work as volunteers for special projects, and receive community service credit for their high school. TAC members act as library ambassadors in the community by spreading the word about library programs and events in their schools and social groups.


What are the requirements?
To be eligible for TAC, you must be between 13-18 years of age, live in the Houston area, be passionate about library services, and be able to attend monthly two-hour meetings.


How do I apply for TAC?
To apply, complete this form.


  • Last Updated Nov 07, 2024
  • Views 356
  • Answered By Sreelu Kurup

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