What rules must I follow at the African American History Research Center?
What rules must I follow at the African American History Research Center?
The purpose of the following rules is to preserve historically valuable materials for future generations. Failure to comply with all the rules may result in being refused further access to the collections. Additional measures and restrictions to preserve materials are at the discretion of the staff.
- A government issued ID is required to view archival materials.
- The AAHRC is an ink-free facility, pencils are available upon request. Note taking materials, cell phones, and personal computers are allowed.
- Print materials are for reference use only and cannot be checked out.
- Personal property and research notes may be inspected before leaving.
- Food, beverages, and other consumables, such as gum, tobacco, and cough drops, are not allowed.
- Personal communication devices should be set to vibrate or turned off and any calls should be taken outside the Reading Room and/or research area(s).
- Cameras and some personal scanning devices may be used with staff approval. Additional lighting or physical contact is damaging to the materials and is not allowed.
- Please note: The researcher assumes full responsibility for conforming to the laws of copyright, literary property rights, privacy, and libel.