What is the policy on Library material check out?
All Library materials must be properly checked out. If Library staff/security has reasonable individualized suspicion that a Library customer is attempting to exit the Library with Library materials that have not been checked out, the customer may be questioned and may be asked to open any item of sufficient size to contain Library materials for inspection. Theft of Library materials is a serious offense and may result in permanent exclusion from all Library facilities, resources and services, and/or arrest.
Anyone known to have violated any of the above rules may be asked to leave the Library as a matter of administrative policy or arrested, as permitted by law. Severe offenses may result in exclusion from all Library facilities, resources and services.
Please immediately inform Library and/or security staff if you witness a violation of these rules of conduct.
Violation of criminal trespass laws or of these rules and regulations may result in prosecution. These rules and regulations have been promulgated under the authority of Section 24-5 and Article IX, Chapter 21 of the Code of Ordinances, City of Houston, Texas. See also Texas Penal Code §30.05 (relating to criminal trespass) and §31.03 (regarding theft).